Why Earning Academic Degree Is an Important Aspect of Pursuing a Clinical Career

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Clinical and medical field is considered a prestigious field for many people who want to pursue a career. Many of them are eager to become a nurse, a doctor, or a psychologist because the role that is played by those clinical workers is considered so crucial that it deals with people’s life. If you want to pursue any of those careers, you have to first make sure you are qualified and eligible for such pursuit. Your qualification for that pursuit is determined primarily by two factors: your academic achievement and your experience. If you want to become a psychologist, for example, make sure you have taken online masters in psychology program, acquired a master’s degree in psychology, and developed your experience in working in the field of psychology. Although experience is not a primary requirement to get a job, most employers usually prefer hiring experienced people to hiring inexperienced ones. 

The same rule also applies when you want to become a nurse. You need a specific academic degree and experience in order to be considered qualified to become a nurse. Basically, you can become a nurse only with your associate degree. As long as you have passed state certification examination and become a registered nurse, you don’t need to earn another higher nursing degree to be qualified to become a nurse. However, with your associate degree only, you can hardly get promotion and qualification to work independently as a nurse manager, nurse practitioner, anesthetist, or midwife. In order to get such qualification, you should take rn to bsn courses continued by master’s degree in nursing courses. 

Taking those courses and accomplishing them is probably much easier today than it was before because today, you can take online rn to bsn courses instead of on-campus ones. This online program is obviously advantageous for you especially if you are currently working as a full time nurse.

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