How to Prepare Yourself to Work in the Field of Homeland Security

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the United States federal government have been carrying out numerous programs in order to prevent such notorious attacks from happening in the future. Among those programs is establishing a federal department that deals with homeland security. In 2002, the federal law approved the establishment of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS); in 2003, such approval was brought into reality. This department dealt with security affairs of this nation and since its establishment in 2003, it has been recruiting many personnel with certain academic and practical skills to assist its projects accomplishment. Most of those personnel are students with master’s degree in criminal justice who choose homeland security specialization. If you are interested in joining this department and assisting it in keeping this nation safe and secured, you can start your endeavor by attempting at earning homeland security degree.

You can earn this degree by entering a graduate degree program in the field of social justice and choosing homeland security specialization. Such graduate program is available in most colleges and universities in this country. If you want to choose one of those universities, you have to make sure your university of choice is an accredited one because only graduates from an accredited university are considered qualified to work in any agencies under the administration of DHS and any agencies that support it. You may also want to choose a university that allows you to take online homeland security degree program because online program is a convenient program that you can accomplish without disturbing your job schedule if you are currently a full time worker.

After you earn your homeland security degree online, you can start deciding where you want to work. DHS has several agencies that operate under its administration, including FEMA and the Secret Service, and several supporting agencies, such as FBI and CIA. You can work in any of those agencies as a professional.

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