Find Interactive Algebra Problems Online

Thursday, January 26, 2012

There are a number of sites where you can do this. Although most of this websites requires that you register with them,but it takes lesser time to do. So it should not be a problem. However, you would be able to ask your questions and get people to answer it. Now lets get started with the websites and how to use them.

1. Yahoo! Answers.

What is Yahoo! Answers?

Yahoo! Answers is a place where people ask and answer questions on any topic. Why not share your facts, opinions and personal experiences with the Yahoo! Answers community Asking is a snap. Ask a question on any topic that matters to you, so that other people can give you answers.

How to use Yahoo! Answers
When asking a question, you categorize it in a topic, making it easier for others to find and answer it. Your question is open for others to answer for 4 days. You can extend or shorten this time period.

Select a Best Answer

Once your question has been answered, you need to wait one hour before you can pick a best answer, or you can let the community vote for one.

You can also use the search box on the left side of each page to locate questions and answers related to specific words and phrases.


Browse answered questions, and tap into the wealth of ideas and experiences that people have shared.

Category List

Use the Yahoo! Answer category list on the left side of each page to browse through the questions and answers on the topics that interest you.

Some questions have a best answer associated with them. The best answers have been selected either by the asker or by community vote You may be surprise someone has already that question you have on your mind and would have been answered by several people with best answer picked.

2. Mathematics Forum

What is a forum?

A forum is a meeting or medium where ideas and views on particular issue can be exchanged. the internet is a home to many forum. You will find many forums based on the topic you are interested in. Finding forum where you can find people of the same interest to you is easy. What you do, is just to Google it or use any search engine of your choice to locate the forum that interest you. For example, I will type maths forum in Google search box to find a forum where people discuss mathematics and related topics.

How to use a forum to your benefit.

Depending on your ego, every forum as rules that you must obey otherwise you will be ban. It pays off to read the forum do's and don't, before using the forum please read the rules. Forum is good for learning. It is usually free, easy and very interactive. Good luck.

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