Self-reflection provides a path which directs their learning into the peak of success. Self-reflection includes self-judgment, self-reaction, self-instruction, self-reinforcement, and task analysis. Self-judgment is the evaluation of the students' own performance against some standards. They also search for causes of errors and attempt to solve their problems. They have to ask themselves to consider the following; Did they accomplish what they plan to do or were they distracted? Did they plan enough time or did they need more time than they thought? Under what conditions did they accomplish the most work? Self-instruction is based on how students instruct themselves. It affects their ability to successfully implement their strategies. Self-reinforcement is based on monitoring motivational pattern that includes competence of students to perform the task, importance of the goals for them, praise and criticism. Task analyses assist them in achieving their goals and make that vision into the reality. It is the analysis of how a task s accomplished, including a detailed description of task and element durations, task frequency, task allocations, task complexity, environmental conditions and any other unique factor involved in or required for one or more students to perform a given task.
One reason why students don't carry out the required standard is lack of systematic plan and good strategy to follow that plan. All it takes is thorough planning for seeking assistance and structuring of the physical study environment. Imitation of exemplary models, seeking social assistance from peers, teachers and parents help them to make learning easier. Environmental structuring strategies i.e., selecting or arranging the physical setting, eliminating or minimizing distractions, break up study periods and spread them over time help them to overcome learning difficulties and achieve required standard.